Monday, February 15, 2010

Delta Day's

We took advantage of a beautiful day and took a boat ride to the Delta with our good friends Beth & Barry. We didn't get to see any pigs, but it was so pretty out that we didn't mind a bit.

Birds in the Delta

Jeff at a friends camp.

Me cheesing as usual.

Modeling the camo look!

Our friends Beth and Barry

My love!!!

Woodpeckers cafeteria.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

I'm back!!!

I know it has been forever since my last posting, believe me my mom hasn't stopped telling me. I am so sorry for having neglected my readers (the few I have). How ya'll have gone on with your daily life's while I was absent must have been hard. I do admit that i have found time for my facebook but sadly not my blog. I am going to try my best from now on to keep it updated because it makes me have to take pictures more often and I love those memories.

To start off I will share my most recent pictures which are of course of my beloved dog. My dad bought Curtis a jacket this winter since it has been SO cold!!! He actually bought my sister and his dog a jacket for Christmas but sadly left poor Curtis out. He thought that he wouldn't need one since we lived in the deep south. As you all know it has been very cold, even down in my neck of the woods. So, I asked my dad if he would get Curtis one and sure enough a couple of weeks later the UPS man dropped off a box with this lovely red jacket. My dad even had his named monogrammed on it, a luxury that Pippa and Mack didn't even get. So yesterday I had Curtis put on his jacket and we had a little photo shoot. I took so many pictures that it was hard to pick which ones I wanted to post so I am going to post a few.

Such a good model.

This is one of his favorite ways to sit.

Modeling the jacket with the collar down.

Such a model pose looking over the shoulder.

This is my favorite picture of them all. Look how cute my little man is!!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

My Love!

I love my Jeff!

Saturday, June 20, 2009


Jeff and I did the craziest thing the other day. We wanted to go catch some snapper so we decided to take out his dad's 18ft boat 17 miles offshore. All in all we had a great time.


Jeff and I have been enjoying the great outdoors lately.

Last Saturday we took his parents out to catch White Trout.

This is one of the fish that I caught.

Of course Curtis had to come with us.

He is so cute!!!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Jamie's wedding shower

A couple of weeks ago we (Carolyn, Candice, Terry, & me ) threw a wedding shower for my sister Jamie. Terry Atnip was very generous and allowed us to use her beautiful back deck. She and her husband worked very hard (up to an hour before the shower) in there yard planting flowers, and making everything gorgeous.
(Thank you Mrs. Atnip)

We had tons of delicious food.

Candice, Jamie, Me & Carolyn.

Here is Jamie opening some gifts. I started off taking pictures of her opening every gift, but quickly stopped. I figured, "What am I going to do with a bunch of pictures of Jamie opening gifts?" Seriously, what?

Last of all, my beautiful niece Riley. She and my nephews came to the shower and behaved perfectly. Isn't she so sweet looking?

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Space shuttle

This is pretty neat.

Jeff brought the new boat down to West Palm Beach, FL. from New Jersey almost two weeks ago. Along the way they stopped in St. Augustine, FL. for the night. When they got there they got to see the space shuttle take off. What I think is really cool is the lighthouse that Jeff got in the picture which was taken from his phone.

Pretty neat huh?

Friday, March 20, 2009

Oldie but goodie

This is an old video that I couldn't upload this past summer. When Carolyn and her family came to visit last summer, she and I got to spent the afternoon at the beach. We had a lot of fun goofing around taking pictures and building sand castles. We filmed a couple of video's, but due to the contents I think it would be better to keep them off the Internet.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Something squirrely is going on around here.

Lately there have been some strange noises coming from our bath tub. At first I thought that there was something in my house, especially when I was laying in bed and swore I heard chiiip chipppp in my hallway. I just couldn't figure out how it was getting in my house. So, I went down stairs (our house is on stilts), and found a spot where the intruders were entering. Jeff was able to reach in the hole and raked out tons of pine straw and other foliage. We thought it may be a bird, but the only feathers we found were like seagull feathers. We think those came from the animal getting them down by the water. We have come to the conclusion that it is a squirrel. The good news is they aren't in the house all the way. They have found a crawl space between our tub and under the house. Today's the day we are getting them out. I will keep you posted.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Beachin it

I spent this past week in Orange Beach with my good friend Sarah and her boy's. They just bought a beautiful new condo on the 22nd floor. The view is AMAZING!

Just thought I would brag a little bit.